CHUQ Children’s Hospital

Directed by a qualified medical staff, the CHUQ Children’s Hospital concentrates its activities on neonatology, pediatrics and specialized obstetrics, including services such as tertiary level gynecology obstetric. A University hospital, it offers superior training in several medical and professional disciplines to internal residents as well as others from several universities. Furthermore, the CHUQ Children’s Hospital is internationally renowned for its research activities.

The facility added a new emergency unit for pediatric and adults, and a two-floor interior parking. This project represented a total hospital surface of 25 000 sq. ft. plus 15 000 sq. ft. of parking space. Because of its innovative aspects, this project was subject to intensive research and consultation of renowned experts including visits to hospital installations in Paris, Lille, Halifax, Boston and Toronto. From the beginning, the architectural designer team established the criteria for a Healing Design with lots of colors, equipment, furniture and lighting. Their aim was to improve the entrance and the corridors, the emergency unit, the pediatric, obstetric and neonatology areas.

The Senior Designer, France Laberge (Architect), made sure the therapeutic aspects of the architecture were deliberately though out. She considered the quality of the environment’s impact on the health over the general image of the hospital. The architectural design of the establishment was developed through colors, furniture, windows, and comfort as part of a patient’s recovery.

The healing process influenced all the architectural choices, starting with the arrival of the patient prior to entering the hospital. The sometimes-daring choices helped promote a sense of control and respect for the patient’s intimacy and care, with social support, staying in touch with nature and positive distractions like zoo therapy. Many times, the floor covering and furniture have tangible positive effects on noise control, music, way finding, access to natural light, outdoor views, nature’s presence and the intimacy concept.

Place: QC (Canada)
Application: Rubber Flooring Systems For Hospitals, Bacteria-resistant Flooring for Healthcare Environments, Healthcare Rubber Flooring Solutions
Product: Harmoni
Year: 2001
Architects: Belanger Beauchemin Gilbert St. Pierre Architects

“In a well conceived environment, blood pressure can be reduced, anxiety and pain diminished”