This Care Center for elders in Hamar has 28 care homes, spread over two floors. Decorated in warm earth tones, the color palette represents a key element to help residents in their daily lives: the doors to the residents’ apartments are finished in dark colors, in contrast with the walls, making them easy to spot. On the opposite, the doors to the facilities and personnel rooms are “hidden”, in the same finish of the walls.

For this project we provided 18,298 square feet of Kayar flooring, designed by Sottsass Associati, in 3 colors: K54, K49 and K17. The quiet tones of the floors foster a relaxed atmosphere and ensure good lighting conditions. The building is designed to have the least possible institutional feel and provide the most “homely” feeling to the guests.

Place: Hamar (Norway)
Application: Public Spaces, Housing & Residences
Product: Kayar
Year: 2016