University of Florence

Adolfo Natalini was born in Pistoia in 1941. He graduated with a degree in Architecture in Florence in 1966. The same year, he started the Superstudio (together with Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Gian Piero Frassinello, Roberto and Alessandro Magris), and is now thought to be one of the initiators of the so-called “Architettura Radicale”, one of the most significant avant-garde movements during the sixties and seventies.

Since 1979, Natalini has been working independently on a series of projects for historical cities in Italy and Europe. His works include projects for the Römberg in Frankfurt, the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the bank of Alzate Brianza, the Centro Elettrocontabile di Zola Predosa, the house in Saalgasse in Frankfurt and the Teatro della Compagnia in Florence.

Today, Adolfo Natalini is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Florence. Along with Fabrizio Natalini, they started renovations at the University of Florence.

Attention was paid to the seamless combination of several decades of trends in the architecture and design of the building. Along with practical considerations such as durability and efficiency, the flooring had to belong in the styles already present. With a smooth surface with many color options, Mono’s Uni allowed the architects to achieve an outstanding visual in the University’s library.

Place: Florence (Italy)
Application: Commercial Rubber Flooring for Higher Education
Product: Uni, Granito

“Since 1979, Natalini has been working independently on a series of projects for historical cities in Italy and Europe”