Vodafone Italy wants to project the right workplace identity, to define the company’s role as a well-established part of an international enterprise. The new offices were designed and completed in collaboration with Dante O. Benini & Partners. In practice, they aim to implement high working standards in all areas, whether purely productive, such as offices or open spaces, or areas set aside for meeting colleagues and socializing.

In the new call center, the architectural concept created large spaces and areas where the operator’s comfort is fundamentally important. Through curtains, they can enjoy a direct view over Via Jervis and the inner courtyards. The corridors inside and outside the call center have been finished in different colors, so that employees can understand the characteristics and functions of each area when walking through the building. Rubber flooring helps in absorbing the high level of noise present in any call center. For the executive offices, Mondo supplied the rubber flooring Uni in a dark grey surface, creating a luxurious contrast with the maple wood used for the partitions and furniture. The grey color is also featured on walls and rubber coverings in operational areas where there is signage characterized by the distinctive “Vodafone” red.

Visitors or employees can enjoy the comfortable environment and bond with their co-workers. The common theme running throughout the design is certainly a quest for physical and psychological well-being, essential to maximize production both in terms of hours worked and targets achieved. That is why the workplace has assumed a key role in the growth and development of international corporations, and will continue to do so in the future.

Place: Milano (Italy)
Application: Office Rubber Flooring, Retail & Corporate
Product: Uni
Year: 2007
Architect: Design created by the Vodafone team and Dante O. Benini & Partners