Cambridge Memorial Hospital

Cambridge Memorial Hospital is a full service, acute care hospital committed to providing exceptional health care to the communities of Cambridge, North Dumfries and the region of Waterloo. Their mission is to be a progressive acute care hospital and teaching facility committed to quality and integrated patient centered care. Since 2015 up until this day, Cambridge Memorial Hospital installed over 30,000 sq.ft. Of our most popular Mondo product: Harmoni. It is easily our widest color range, which makes it the ideal product to choose from to match your ideas. In this project, neutral colors were picked to create brighter environments.

Place: ON (Canada)
Application: Rubber Flooring Systems For Hospitals, Bacteria-resistant Flooring for Healthcare Environments, Healthcare Rubber Flooring Solutions
Product: Harmoni
Year: 2021

“Cambridge Memorial Hospital’s vision is to provide exceptional healthcare by exceptional people.”